Marine sciences / Research
Subsea Tech has worked with scientific bodies for several years in the framework of research programs, bringing them standard or bespoke solutions for underwater ecosystem observation, environmental monitoring or underwater archaeological research. Thanks to its great capacity for innovation, Subsea Tech designs and manufactures underwater observation systems matching with scientists specific needs and budgets. Moreover, Subsea Tech is able to provide upgradable and simple enough systems for future sensor integration. Subsea Tech’s mini-ROV and USV are used over several continents by famous scientific bodies and research institutes such as : CNRS, French Agency for Biodiversity, Australian Antarctic Division, CIDCO (Canada), DRASSM (French department of underwater archaeological research), etc.
Observation of underwater ecosytems
Subsea Tech’s mini-ROV and underwater video cameras allow observations and recording down to 300m depth. Close-up observation and behavioural study of dangerous or fearful species and ecosystems living at depths inaccessible to human become possible.

- Underwater fauna/flora observation by mini-ROV or underwater video camera
- Underwater species behavioural study
- Ecosystem sampling
- Footages for underwater documentaries using HD mini-ROV
- Quick and easy deployment thanks to system compactness and portability
- Reducing cost and risks related to diver interventions
- Increasing knowledge of dangerous species
- Access to deep areas
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Environmental monitoring
Many sensors and accessories for environmental parameters monitoring may be easily integrated on Subsea Tech’s mini-ROVs and USVs. Our underwater and surface vehicles are used on a regular basis by environmental authorities and engineering companies in order to optimize costs and efficiency of their missions for aquatic environment monitoring.

- Water quality monitoring by sampling system mounted on mini-ROV
- Sediment sampling using mini-ROV
- Physico-chemical parameters monitoring using gauges mounted on mini-ROV or USV
- underwater thematic mapping
- Quick and easy deployment thanks to system compactness and portability
- Reducing cost for environmental monitoring
- Monitoring procedure optimization thanks to automatic acquisition processes
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Thanks to their high payload capacity compared to their small dimensions, Subsea tech’s unmanned surface vehicles (USV) may embed single beam/multibeam echosounders or ADCP for hydrographic missions even in remote, confined and shallow areas. Subsea Tech’s USV are equipped with a complete connexion interface, thus allowing easy integration of many sensors.

- Single beam and multibeam bathymetry
- Current profiling
- Enhanced outputs thanks to automatic acquisitions
- High resolution bathymetry (cm)
- Reducing survey costs
- Reducing human risk during surveys
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Underwater archaeology
Thanks to their small dimensions, Subsea Tech’s mini-ROV may provide georeferenced images of underwater archaeological sites when difficult to access for divers or containing high sensitive material. the French Department for Underwater Archaeology (DRASSM) has already fled Subsea Tech’s mini-ROV for several years in the framework of its reasearch activities.

- Archaeological sites identification using side scan sonar, multieam echosounder or sub-bottom profiler
- Visual inspection of underwater sites with mini-ROV prior to diver operations
- Target GPS location using USBL mounted on mini-ROV
- Site mapping
- Reducing research costs and risks compared to diver interventions
- Excavation protection by using small vehicles
- Access to confined areas